For a better, stronger screen frame, Rich extruded aluminum frame is the way to go. All our sliding screen windows and doors are made of extruded aluminum. And our porch project use extruded aluminum porch screen frame. An extruded aluminum screen frame is created by pushing heated aluminum through a shaped opening in a die machine. This material is less likely to bend than roll form frame, creating a stronger frame suitable for larger openings such as porch screens. Roll-form screen frame is weaker than extruded frame. It is made by taking a thin flat piece of aluminum stock, rolling it into a box shape and crimping the edge to keep the box shape

Our shop’s screen window lock uses the fashion design separately in the upper and lower sides on the corners and the color is white. The usual screen window lock is use black color and put in the middle. This new type of screen window design effect all windows and doors looks more clean and beautiful.
Rich spacer using composite rubber strip to connect two pieces of glass, resulting in superior thermal insulation performance.

Window and door grids positioned between the panes make the window easiest to clean. Currently Our shop only carry flat grid.
Each window from Rich is using the automatic lock, very easy to lock. For patio door our shop is using manual upper and down lock.